Tribool API Reference

class tribool.Tribool

Implementation of three-valued logic.

Tribool represents True, False, or Indeterminate as a tuple of one value set to True, False, or None respectively.


Logical and of Tribool and that.


Raise TypeError on conversion to bool.

When this occurs, it may indicate that the logical operators: (and, or, not) were used. Python does not permit overloading these operators. Use the bitwise (&, |, ^, ~) operators instead. Likewise, if the comparison operators (<, <=, >, >=) were used then a type conversion using Tribool(...) is required.


Return self (singleton pattern).


Return self (singleton pattern).


Logical equality of Tribool and that.


Logical greater than or equal of Tribool and that.


Logical greater than of Tribool and that.


Hash of Tribool.


Logical negation of Tribool value.


Logical less than or equal of Tribool and that.


Logical less than of Tribool and that.


Logical inequality of Tribool and that.

static __new__(value=None)

Create Tribool object.

value may be any of True, False, None, Tribool or a name like ‘True’, ‘False’, ‘None’, ‘Indeterminate’, or ‘Unknown’. None is representative of an indeterminate boolean value. Instances with the same value are identical (singleton-like). This method is thread-safe.


Raise TypeError on conversion to bool.

When this occurs, it may indicate that the logical operators: (and, or, not) were used. Python does not permit overloading these operators. Use the bitwise (&, |, ^, ~) operators instead. Likewise, if the comparison operators (<, <=, >, >=) were used then a type conversion using Tribool(...) is required.


Logical or of Tribool and that.


Logical and of Tribool and that.


Pickle self (singleton pattern).


String representation of Tribool.


Logical or of Tribool and that.


Logical xor of Tribool and that.


String representing Tribool value.


Logical xor of Tribool and that.


Shortcut for internal and immutable True, False or None value.